Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas
Listen to sermons from Dr. Jason S. Price and Pastor Norman Lance at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Kempner, Texas. Edifying the Body of Christ with sound doctrine and expository preaching.
27 episodes
Biblical Principles of Marriage, Part 3
Marriage can only be fruitful when it lived out the way God prescribes in his Scriptures. In the first two parts of this sermon series, Paul dedicated his teaching to the topics of marital conjugal rights, single people, divorced, and mixed mar...
Episode 27

Live As You Were Called
All Christians are called out of the world from various places of life. As believers we are in the world, but not of the world. Because of Jesus, our citizenship is in heaven, not of the earth. Paul takes a brief pause in his teac...

Biblical Principles for Marriage, Part 2
The institution of marriage was established by God at the beginning of creation (Gen 2:18-25). He created man in his very image and likeness. From that, he then formed both man and woman and placed them in the earth for the following purposes:<...
Episode 25

Biblical Principles for Marriage Part 1
The institution of marriage was established by God at the beginning of creation (Gen 2:18-25). He created man in his very image and likeness. He formed both man and woman and placed them in the earth for the following purposes: ·&nb...
Episode 24

Christ's Lordship Part 2
Worldliness gets its power from lies we believe about God and his Word. It is by self-deception we are led into all sorts of sins that stunts our spiritual growth and ruins our witness to the world. This is the church culture of Corinthian sain...
Episode 23

Christ's Lordship Part 1
Jesus’ resurrection was a foretaste of heaven’s blessings promised to all believers in the new creation to come. It is a divine act by which demonstrated His prophesied victory over death and vindication as the Son of God (Rom 1:4). Further, on...
Episode 22

The Glory of the Resurrection
Jesus’ resurrection was a foretaste of heaven’s blessings promised to all believers in the new creation to come. It is a divine act by which demonstrated His prophesied victory over death and vindication as the Son of God (Rom 1:4). Further, on...
Episode 21

Lawless Lawsuits Part 2
Spirit-led arbitration is essential to church unity. Believers (by which the Spirit dwells and yields its power) are commanded to allow God leading in our relationships with people, especially in the matter of disputes among the saints. Why? Go...
Episode 20

Lawless Lawsuits Part 1
The Christian life is to illuminate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world shrouded in darkness. Like city on a hill, the church is called to shine the light of salvation that permeates, influences, and changes the world around it to accord to B...
Episode 19

The Necessity of Church Discipline
We have all heard the saying, "One bad apple can spoil the bunch." In principle, this is what can happen within the body of believers when the “practice” of a sinful lifestyle is allowed to thrive among his people. If such person(s) is...
Episode 18

Essential Ingredients for a Healthy Church
This week we encounter a Biblical example of a practice that is seldom talked about in the modern American church, namely church discipline. There are important truths in the passage that can awaken the Christians to the edifying effects ...
Episode 17

Church Division_Final Admonishments
There are few things identified by Scripture that God (actually) hates. Discord in the church is one of them (Prv 6:19). When there is unity within the church, the Spirit of God is present and flows through the church leadership down into the c...
Episode 16

Follow Us As We Follow Christ
Human pride is incompatible with the character of Christ. It will never produce fruits of the Spirit in the life of Christian. Not only does it exalt its wisdom higher than God's, but it considers the Gospel way of living and thinking as foolis...
Episode 15

Think and Act Like Christ
The wisdom of men can shipwreck the faith and Gospel fruit of any body of believers. This is what was occurring in the Corinthian church as they were extolling the giftings and personalities of their favorite church leaders (i.e., the Apostles)...
Episode 14

Stewards of the Mysteries of God
A calling to preach the Gospel is not an assignment to be taken lightly. James cautions against many people pursuing this divinely ordained position within God's kingdom because the high standard by which such a person will be judged by God (Ja...
Episode 13

You Are Christ's Temple
A Christian is a fellow worker with God in his kingdom mission in the world. His church (body of believers) is his temple by which his Spirit dwells. When we stray from these truths, it is often because we have forgotten who we are and to whom ...
Episode 12

Kingdom Builders
Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone, and his teaching is the foundation of our faith. A community of believers (Holy Temple, the church) is the structure that is built upon it. Peter writes, (1 Pt 2:5-6) "As you come to him, a li...
Episode 11

Servants for God's Glory
There are no great men of God, but only a great God of men. This truth is lost in a church culture that idolizes ministry leaders like celebrities. Such a worldly mindset had infiltrated the Corinthian church as they gave esteem to men which on...
Episode 10

Failure to Launch
Earthly wisdom prevails in a church only when spiritual growth is in a degenerative state. When we vacate Biblical truths in exchange human philosophies, ideologies, and political positions it will produce all sorts of fruits of our fallen natu...
Episode 9

Reflections of Emmanuel
Jesus is the reason for the season. He is truly Emmanuel. As we celebrate Christmas [2023], it is vital that we explore the significance of "God with Us." What are the divine blessings we receive by God clothing himself in our humanity? How is ...
Episode 8

Who Has Known The Mind Of The Lord?
This week we continue in I Corinthians 2:6-16 looking at Paul's instruction to a congregation where divisions and contentions were robbing the church of unity and spiritual progress. To combat these problems, Paul addresses the need for better ...
Episode 7

Power and Faith in Jesus Christ
The wisdom of heaven is displayed through Jesus Christ which glorifies and demonstrates the power of God (Jam 3:17, Prv 30:5). In contrast, the wisdom of earth manifests itself in our sinful nature which glorifies Satan and exposes its futility...
Episode 6

The Gospel That Glorifies God, Part 2
God does not apply value of a person based on the examination of the outward appearance of who we are and what we possess in the world. Rather, by his providential will he selects his servants based on his purposes and plans with his glory alwa...
Episode 5

The Gospel That Glorifies God, Part 1
In the sermon, “The Saving Wisdom of God” (focus text, v18-21), Paul described the contrasting responses of humanity to the gospel. The “word of the cross,” which is rejected by nonbelievers is a reference to Jesus’ crucifixion which has both h...
Episode 4