Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas
Listen to sermons from Dr. Jason S. Price and Pastor Norman Lance at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Kempner, Texas. Edifying the Body of Christ with sound doctrine and expository preaching.
Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas
Biblical Principles for Marriage, Part 2
The institution of marriage was established by God at the beginning of creation (Gen 2:18-25). He created man in his very image and likeness. From that, he then formed both man and woman and placed them in the earth for the following purposes:
• To serve and glorify God with their lives (Ecc 12:13).
• To procreate and populate the earth (Gen 1:28).
In part 1 of this sermon series, Paul had to address an unbiblical view of celibacy that was being propagated in the church, thus a fundamentalist group within their congregation mandated, “all sexual relations should be avoided.” He offered corrective instructions on God’s purpose for marriage and the importance of mutual submission between husband and wife in the matters of sexual relations. In Part 2, he now turns his attention to those who are unmarried (i.e., single folk and widows) and those married to unbelievers.
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:8-16
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