Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas
Listen to sermons from Dr. Jason S. Price and Pastor Norman Lance at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Kempner, Texas. Edifying the Body of Christ with sound doctrine and expository preaching.
Podcasting since 2024 • 27 episodes
Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas
Latest Episodes
Biblical Principles of Marriage, Part 3
Marriage can only be fruitful when it lived out the way God prescribes in his Scriptures. In the first two parts of this sermon series, Paul dedicated his teaching to the topics of marital conjugal rights, single people, divorced, and mixed mar...
Episode 27

Live As You Were Called
All Christians are called out of the world from various places of life. As believers we are in the world, but not of the world. Because of Jesus, our citizenship is in heaven, not of the earth. Paul takes a brief pause in his teac...

Biblical Principles for Marriage, Part 2
The institution of marriage was established by God at the beginning of creation (Gen 2:18-25). He created man in his very image and likeness. From that, he then formed both man and woman and placed them in the earth for the following purposes:<...
Episode 25