Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas
Listen to sermons from Dr. Jason S. Price and Pastor Norman Lance at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Kempner, Texas. Edifying the Body of Christ with sound doctrine and expository preaching.
Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas
Servants for God's Glory
There are no great men of God, but only a great God of men. This truth is lost in a church culture that idolizes ministry leaders like celebrities. Such a worldly mindset had infiltrated the Corinthian church as they gave esteem to men which only belonged to God, which became a source of factionalism. Paul endeavors to set the record straight by reminding them of the true station of ministers in comparison to God as we co-labor with him in his kingdom work. This Sunday, he highlights key roles of a "servant" in the ministry work that applies to all Christians, especially preachers of the Gospel.
Focus Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 3:5-9
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