Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas

Power and Faith in Jesus Christ

Pastor Jason S. Price and Pastor Norman Lance Episode 6

The wisdom of heaven is displayed through Jesus Christ which glorifies and demonstrates the power of God (Jam 3:17, Prv 30:5). In contrast, the wisdom of earth manifests itself in our sinful nature which glorifies Satan and exposes its futility in the matters of salvation and eternity. 

 In the opening verses of 1 Cor 2, Paul continues his discourse on the “foolishness” of preaching, “the word of the cross,” to those who holdfast to human wisdom (cf., 1 Cor 1:18-31). In our focus text, he intends to emphasize that the proclamation of the gospel of “Christ crucified” does not draw its power in persuasive speech, but rather by the Holy Spirit. As believers, we are reminded we are to pay much closer attention to the substance and quality of the preaching of the gospel, rather than the outward appearance and oration talents of a preacher.

Focus Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

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