Southern Hills Baptist Church-Kempner, Texas

The Gospel That Glorifies God, Part 2

Pastor Jason S. Price and Pastor Norman Lance Episode 5

God does not apply value of a person based on the examination of the outward appearance of who we are and what we possess in the world. Rather, by his providential will he selects his servants based on his purposes and plans with his glory always in view. The powerful, wealthy, and famous of the earth often seek their own honor and good. Too often, even if they attempt to approach God, it is to assimilate him as apart of a larger collection of their earthly holdings and affirmations thus adding to their own glory. This is what the Rich Young Ruler attempted to do in seeking Jesus (with misguided intentions) to inquire about the requirements of eternal life (Lk 18:18-30). Further, those who lack these things are encouraged by society to pursue them at all costs as a virtue of society.

 The truth of the matter is whether we have much or little of earthly things, we cannot allow our socio-economic status to distort a sober judgement of our ourselves in our dealings with people in the church. Such pride would cause us to overestimate our value in relation to others and God. In our sermon text, Paul rightly reminds us how God’s value system differs from man’s as it concerns the selection of people according to his will.
Focus Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

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